Windows and Mirrors

Reflections and Perspectives on Life, Love and Light

I named these communications Windows and Mirrors because Mirrors reflect and windows offer a specific perspective on the world. That’s what I hope you’ll find here – some interesting and useful reflections and perspectives on this thing we’re all doing called life. If you are not a reader, (not everyone is a reader), you can click this link for a video of the content of this communication!

Thank you for being here! I hope you find something engaging here.


The Wisdom Way

The name of this section is quickly becoming a central theme to my personal experience and of this website and writings. I’m going to be exploring wisdom more and more – what is it? How does it develop? Where is it found?

Love is Wisdom

Many people and cultures use the terms wisdom and knowledge interchangeably, which is, of course, why words do not suffice at times and can make things more confusing. But for my purposes here, I’m going to use the term wisdom to represent true understanding and the result of knowing. Wisdom is knowledge that lands and finds an active foothold deep within.

As I have been pondering wisdom and being nudged toward wisdom by life, it occurred to me that indeed Love is wisdom (capital L Love.) Why? Because when we embody and act with wisdom, we are doing so from an expansive place. A place that is rounded out by a bigger picture. A place of more compassion and understanding. A place steeped in experience and lessons learned. A place of presence with what is.

And isn’t this just the kind of quality we want in our Love? Isn’t this, in fact, Love? If our Love had these qualities, wouldn’t it be such a high vibration of Love? A Love touching upon the unconditional?

I have many quotes of my father’s that I love. One that’s been pulling at me lately is:

“The integrating principle of the whole – the spirit of the universe – instinct with contrivance, which flows with purpose.”

Our instinct with skillfulness which flows with purpose >> wisdom >> Love. And a Love that integrates and brings wholeness. And this Love as the spirit of the universe.

YES!!!! And Yes Please!


I’ve been asking myself more and more, why does my guidance keep getting stronger and stronger as I do deeper and deeper introspection? Why does my trust in that guidance grow more and more steadfast as I am able to adjust my perspective to see a larger picture of things AND take responsibility for my own feelings, pains, problems, and path as the picture expands? And who or what is guiding me, and why?

As I have continued to walk the path to understand myself and thereby understand life, I have continued to be able to remove the masks to my wholeness, and in return, life and I have come closer into congruence, and this feels like Love. And I experience more Love. Love of self. Love of Life. And I can see the wisdom in the challenges and am able to move more into acceptance of life and of myself.

And what of the difficult experiences? How are those Love? Well, wisdom is gained through experience. And sometimes that experience is exceptionally challenging because, were it not so, we would not be encouraged to seek relief from our suffering, change our perspective, and grow. And let’s not forget we also get to experience and gain wisdom through beautiful experiences as well. We get both. And the more that we can expand in our consciousness of the reality of life, the more we can utilize life to show us the path to our own wisdom and tap into this guidance and flow with Life and develop an abiding love for all it has for us.

This is what I hope to explore out loud with you. Life. And the hidden wisdoms within. And a more compassionate way to approach the world.

Everyone is on the same path. It may not appear that way, but in the bigger picture it is true. We are just at different points along the way while heading in the same direction. We are all on a journey of realizing our true nature. No one is doing it ‘wrong.’ We are all just doing it with differing degrees of consciousness. And all I am offering here is a little leeway. Some insight into how to gain more in consciousness so that you can try to ease your own suffering and consider some different way of moving through the world. Take it or leave it (I have no attachment to the outcome), but I guess you could say that what I am offering is some medicine for your suffering. And if you don’t know about my favorite quote of my father’s, then here it is….

The medicine for my suffering I had within me from the very beginning, but I didn’t take it. My ailment came from within myself, but I did not observe it until this moment. And now I see I will never find the light unless, like the candle, I am my own fuel, consuming myself.

The cultivation of self and self-knowledge (as my father often urged) is the cultivation of wisdom, which is the medicine for our suffering.

And eventually, as we dig through the dirt of our being (or as my father said “scratch away the dirt of our being”), we will fall more and more into alignment with Life and learn to navigate it by flowing with what it has for us to experience with less fear, more expressiveness, more presence, more acceptance, more connection, more wholeness, more wisdom, and more Love.

In Loving Wisdom,

